paving grout
paving grout
based on bitumen and mineral aggregates
- LEUBIT® paving grout is based on bitumen and mineral aggregates to be applied hot.
- LEUBIT® paving grout has a specific density of approx. 1.25 g/cc at 25°C.
- LEUBIT® paving grout is tested according to the TL Fug StB 15 regulations for joints.
- LEUBIT® paving grout has high ageing stability, and is durable and resistant to environmental influences; the product is also safe for humans and animals.
- LEUBIT® paving grout performs well in hot and cold weather.
- We recommend priming the application site using 56_ LEUBIT® primer plus before applying LEUBIT® paving grout.
- Primer consumption: approx. 3% of the sealing compound to be applied.

16 kg cardboard box |
48 boxes per pallet |
Consumption in grams: Joint length (cm) x joint width (cm) x joint depth (cm) x joint compound density (g/cc) |
- LEUBIT® paving grout is used for filling joints in all kinds of paving and flagstone surfacing.
- Apply LEUBIT® paving grout in dry weather, not during rain or frost. The surface temperature should be above 0°C.
- Clean the joint using a sweeper or compressed air before applying the product in repairing the joint. The surface should be dry and free of dirt or other contaminants.
- Carefully melt LEUBIT® paving grout in a melting vessel equipped with a mechanical stirrer, indirect heating and thermostat up to the application temperature of 160–190°C. Avoid overheating the grout to more than 190°C as this will inevitably damage the polymer additives in the grout.
- Prime the joint using LEUBIT® primer plus according to the instructions for the product.
- Use suitable lances or canisters to grout the joints.
- Make sure that the LEUBIT® paving grout is at the specified application temperature during application to avoid loss of fluidity and risk of cavitation.
- LEUBIT® paving grout may lose volume after cooling depending on the dimensions of the joint to be filled, requiring repeat application. We recommend subsequent grouting immediately after completing the initial application.
- The joint should be grouted in such a way that you should not need to knock off any excess grout rising above the edges of the joint. Knocking off excess grout may negatively affect the adhesion to the sides of the joint.
- Store in a dry place protected from sunlight at more than 50°C
- Sensitive to frost below -5°C
- Storage life: at least 5 years
- Always dispose of empty canisters and residual content according to your local, regional, national or international regulations.
- Use hand-washing paste in case of skin contact
- Use 10_LEUBIT eco cleaner, common solvents, or cleaning spirits on machinery.
- Bitumen and minerals